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November 03, 2008



I support you and echo your cause to get everyone out and vote.

And also vote NO on Prop 8. There should be no discrimination.

Alexis McGee

So what are they doing with the bailout money?

The FDIC said today they were implementing a plan to help 2.2M of the 4.4M of Homeowners in trouble. This means 50% will not qualify to get modified. They will need a way out of those properties. We have to help those who do not have the income to stay in their homes, we should allow for easier assumptions of existing loans.

This also means our window to buy REOs at unbelievable prices will not be here forever. The flow of new REOs will slow down and the housing market will stabilize once the excess inventory is absorbed.

how to hypnotize someone

First, when you want to learn to hypnotize people without them knowing and influence them through basic conversation, you have to learn to read people. Upon learning hypnosis, you'll be shocked at what can be accomplished with this new skill. The remaining two brainwave frequencies are the theta state and the delta state; you enter the delta state when you are asleep, and subjects getting into the delta state throughout a hypnotic state is very powerful, however quite rare.

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